tree with toys

How to Avoid SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) this Christmas

Understanding SAD – What is it and Why Does it Happen?

While Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year for some, it may not feel like that for everyone. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects millions of people each year. When our days are shorter and darker, we are at risk for this mood disorder. 

Young adults and women are the most likely people to be affected, as are those living further from the equator. Symptoms include constant fatigue, lower moods, oversleeping, and craving for carbohydrates, leading to weight gain.

If left untreated, it can lead individuals to avoid social activity and to become more depressed and withdrawn. So, how can you beat it? Here are a few good ways:

Light Therapy – Shining a Light on SAD Relief

If you have a serious lack of sun where you live, phototherapy can become a good investment for your health. Let’s face it, as beautiful as the lights from your artificial Christmas tree are, unfortunately, they’re not going cut it here. You can order lightboxes online, but make sure they are rated for SAD and not other disorders. Opt for one that provides at least 10,000 lux to get the most benefits. Sitting in front of the box from 20-90 minutes a day will significantly help anyone who is suffering from this disorder. 

Let’s Talk About Diet – Fueling Your Brain and Body to Fight SAD

This is one of the easiest factors to control in your life to reduce the effects of SAD. By eating a proper diet, you are protecting your body in the best way. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as avocados, fruits, veggies, and whole grains will help keep to the body at its best.

Get Out in the Sun (Even if You Can’t See It)

If it’s overcast outside, you can still reap the benefits from the sun. Your eyes need the exposure to daylight, but if it’s not bright blue skies, your body still knows what to do. The main thing is just to get out there! Take a break from the office. 

Stay Active

This seems especially difficult when our days are super short, and the weather is crummy, but staying active is an excellent defense against SAD. You’ll keep your mind healthy with the endorphins from exercise pumping through it. No gym? No problem. Park the car a little further away, take the stairs, etc. As always, thanks for stopping by! We hope you enjoyed this article on how to avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder this Christmas. For more great articles like this one, please click (link here).